Tanger – La Coruna 15.04 – 22.04

Tanger – La Coruna 15.04 – 22.04

Port of Departure: Tanger
Boarding: April 15, 2024, at 12:00
Departure: April 15, 2024, at 16:00
Destination Port: La Coruna
Arrival: April 22, 2024, at 18:00
Disembarkation: April 22, 2024, at 20:00
Days on board: 8
Contribution for Organising the Voyage: €795/€595

This new journey begins in the picturesque port of Tangier, Morocco, where the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea meet. Following the route of medieval sailing ships, the Shtandart will transport us back to a time when sailors could only hope for a fair wind and had to navigate using stars and lighthouse lights.

You can experience the life of an 18th-century sailor – setting sails, bracing yards, standing at the helm, and climbing high masts. And also our crew is ready to share the knowledge about modern navigation in challenging waters; feel free to ask any questions!

From exotic Africa, we will venture into the Bay of Biscay, already familiar to us but always surprising and unpredictable. An ocean wave or a strong wind may present challenges, offering an authentic experience of difficult navigation. Alternatively, beautiful sunny weather may prevail, with only the smooth, powerful ocean swell reminding you of the vast expanse of water around.

Our journey concludes in the Spanish port of La Coruña, one of the most distinctive provinces of Spain. Here, descendants of the Celts reside, and the Galician language is closely related to Breton and Irish. The city has a rich history dating back to Roman times, exemplified by the famous Tower of Hercules – the world’s oldest operating lighthouse.

Alojamiento y comodidades:

Elige dormir en una hamaca, como hacían los marineros hace tres siglos, u opta por una litera. Tanto en el mar como en tierra, ofrecemos cuatro comidas al día. La vida a bordo se divide en guardias, en las que participarás activamente durante toda tu estancia.

For more information about life on the ship, visit here.

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