General information

Where is the Shtandart located and where will the ship go in the near future? 

At the moment, the ship is located in Europe. On our website, you can find where we are now as well as a regularly updated sailing plan.

How big is the crew?

It depends, but generally we have 5-6 members of professional crew on board as well 6-8 volunteers who have many years of sailing experience.

Can we climb the mast?

When you join us for a long journey, you will get a chance to become a part of the crew and get the real sailor’s experience, including the mast climbing. In ports and during the short journeys the captain’s approval is required to ensure the safety of experience.

Getting ready for sailing!

What are the living conditions? 

More details about living conditions on the ship are aquí..

What should I bring on board? 

You can find the list of required items aquí..

Do I need special clothes?

Depending on the weather, you might enjoy having some clothes which can keep you warm and dry at sea. You can find more information aquí..

Do I need to bring food?

No, if you go sailing with us, 4 times a day pansion is included in your participation fee.

How long can I stay for? 

When you go sailing with us, you can book as many legs of the journey as you like. You can view all of them in our sailing plan and choose the ones which are the most convenient for you.

Can I arrive earlier or stay on board longer?

In case you plan to arrive earlier or stay on board longer than the chosen leg of the journey, this is only possible with the permission of the captain and for an additional fee.

Can I come if I know nothing about sailing and have never sailed before?

Of course! The sailing experience is designed in such a way that you can learn everything when you come on board. The longer you stay — the more you learn 🙂

Which languages does the crew speak?

The working language on board is English, but there are always some crew members who speak French and Russian as well. 

Can I come if I don’t speak English very well?

Certainly! Nothing improves your ability to express yourself as the life at sea 🙂

Can I come with my friends or family?

Of course! Sailing is a great adventure to share with people dear to you.

Can I bring my children for a long sailing?

Yes, on Shtandart we had crew members as young as 7 years old. Children are expected to participate in crew life as much as they can, which helps to foster independence and communication skills while creating unforgettable memories. 

Can I bring my toddlers for a short sailing?

Yes, you can come with your toddlers, but we highly recommend checking the weather forecast, because sailing in stormy seas might be difficult for a child. The approval of the captain is also needed, so we can make sure that your journey will be safe and enjoyable.

Can I come with my pets?

Only if the journey is short and the captain gives his approval. 

My plans have changed. How can I request a refund?

Please review the refund policy and then reach out to us via email voyage@shtandart.eu. Alternatively, you have the option to re-register for another stage of the voyage or receive a gift certificate, valid for 3 years.


How could I become a volunteer?

There are three ways to do it. First, you could join us for maintenance works during autumn or winter. Second, you could become a remote volunteer by joining our remote volunteer program. Third, you can participate on a commercial basis in one or more voyages and prove yourself as a valuable member of the crew. More information here!
