En puerto

En puerto

You can join the frigate Shtandart during multiple sea festivals and events we engage in during spring, summer and autumn. Excursions, special themed events, fun for adults and children, competitions – please check our sailing schedule and choose the place nearest or most convenient for you.

While in port Shtandart crew members welcome onboard many guests and visitors. The Watchman on the gangway answers multiple questions and has a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and practice new language skills.

While in port we also carry out maintenance work which would be difficult to do during sailing. All off duty crew members can have a nice break and enjoy interesting sightseeing. There are always festivals, celebrations, parties and other activities to enjoy during our port visits.

Cleaning and cooking

At sea and in port those who is on a galley duty help prepare the meals. Even if you can’t cook, there will always be something for you to do, and by the end of the trip you’ll be sure to leave with a new set of skills.

The first Russian Maritime Code of 1720 paid a lot of attention to the ship-husbandry requirements and procedures.

This is what it said: “Ships are to be cleaned and scrubbed on all days. Windows between all decks are to be open as often as the time will allow. The insides as well as the outside will be swept and washed every morning and evening.”

Shtandart follows this tradition religiously!

And deck-cleaning in the company of good friends very quickly becomes a fun thing to do!

Time-table onboard Shtandart:

07.30 Breakfast
08.00 Flag rising ceremony
12.00 Lunch
16.00 Coffee break
20.00 Dinner
24.00 Lights out, beginning of night watch


Have a question? Please send an email to voyage@shtandart.eu
