La Coruna – la Rochelle 23.04 – 29.04

La Coruna – la Rochelle 23.04 – 29.04

Port of Departure: La Coruna
Boarding: April 23, 2024, at 16:00
Departure: April 23, 2024, at 18:00
Puerto de destino: La Rochelle
Arrival: April 28, 2024, at 18:00
Disembarkation: April 29, 2024, at 10:00
Days on board: 7
Contribution for Organising the Voyage: €695/€595

This is a journey between two famous ports of the Bay of Biscay, which we have to cross in its entirety, a real ocean crossing, but from Europe to Europe.

Spanish La Coruña is the most important port of Galicia, one of the most distinctive provinces of Spain, where descendants of the Celts live, and the Galician language is close to Breton and Irish. The city has existed since Roman times, as evidenced by the famous Tower of Hercules – the world’s oldest operating lighthouse. Don’t hesitate to go to the local taverns, because the specialty here is excellent – Galician-style octopus with olive oil and sweet paprika.

The Bay of Biscay is rightfully considered a complex water area, because it is already a full-fledged part of the Atlantic Ocean, with no shores from the west all the way to North America. It is difficult to predict the weather in advance. An ocean wave or strong wind may come and give you the experience of difficult navigation and overcoming obstacles. Or maybe it’s beautiful sunny weather, when only the smooth and powerful ocean swell reminds you of the endless expanse of water around. But in any case, in Biscay, there is a high chance of seeing a school of curious dolphins.

The old port of La Rochelle is already home to Shtandart. Directly opposite the permanent anchorage of the ship is the Maritime Museum and Aquarium with a variety of marine life. Very close by are three watchtowers, the symbol of the city, and a clock tower that opens the entrance to the old center, a kingdom of grace, noble gray stone and the strict lines of the streets of the 17th century, along which Cardinal Richelieu and the king’s musketeers walked.

Alojamiento y comodidades:

Elige dormir en una hamaca, como hacían los marineros hace tres siglos, u opta por una litera. Tanto en el mar como en tierra, ofrecemos cuatro comidas al día. La vida a bordo se divide en guardias, en las que participarás activamente durante toda tu estancia.

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*Cost for travelers 25 years and younger.
If you are under 25 years old, please use the coupon code 25yo-100 on the checkout tab before proceeding to pay for your reservation.
