The history of our ship in the magazine of boating culture

The history of our ship in the magazine of boating culture

The history of our ship in the magazine of boating culture

Detailed article about the Shtandart in the magazine of boating culture – “The Shtandart, a Russian frigate that takes us on a voyage through the history of navigation” by Jennifer CHAMPIN.

The Shtandart, a replica of a Russian frigate of the same name, offers visitors the chance to live like 18th-century sailors. From the original ship, through the replica’s construction, to its present-day voyages, we take you on a journey through the history of the Shtandart.
Aboard the Shtandart, it’s possible to experience the life of an 18th-century sailor, while benefiting from modern levels of comfort and safety. Crew members, accustomed to sharing their knowledge and experience, teach the rudiments of the bosun’s trade, and those with no experience can take the helm or hoist the sails.

Read in full on the website:

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