Choice of profession

An International Crew: Trainees from Around the World

Shtandart has welcomed trainees from all over the world, creating a truly international crew. Over the years, we have hosted participants from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Poland, Belgium, Russia, the USA, and many more countries. Whether they joined for a short voyage or a full season at sea, they all became part of the unique Shtandart community—learning, growing, and forging lifelong friendships across borders.

Our voyages bring together people of different ages, backgrounds, and levels of experience, united by a shared passion for adventure and the sea. Some come with maritime aspirations, while others step aboard simply to experience life at sea. Regardless of their goals, everyone learns valuable skills in teamwork, seamanship, and leadership. Many of our trainees continue sailing, while others take their experiences into completely different careers, carrying the lessons learned aboard Shtandart with them.

This global diversity not only enriches life on board but also reflects the universal spirit of seafaring—where the ocean knows no borders, and teamwork is everything.

Read along the stories of our trainees:

A Life-Changing Experience at Sea

Many of our trainees have gone on to pursue professional careers in the maritime industry. Some discovered their passion for sailing here, while others gained essential sea-time and experience to advance in their maritime education. Here are a few of our alumni who took their first steps toward a life at sea with us:

SurnameGiven nameNationalityCertificate/Course
PionTimBelgiumSTCW II/2 Master Sailing Ships (<500 GT, Unlimited area) (Netherlands)
YushkovMikhailRussian FederationSTCW II/2 Master Sailing Ships (<500 GT, Unlimited area) (Netherlands)
GrootjansAmberPaíses BajosSTCW II/1 officer in charge of navigational watch (<500GT) (Netherlands)
MoratallaAlvaroSpainSTCW II/2 Master Sailing Ships (<500 GT, Unlimited area) (Netherlands)
VasseurCyrilFranceCapitaine 500 (France)
ViaudJeremyFrancecertificat de matelot de pont (France); Studying for Capitaine 200 UMS/ 500 UMS
ValinBaptisteFrancecertificat de matelot de pont (France); Studying for Capitaine 200 UMS/ 500 UMS
YanovichPolinaRussian FederationSTCW II/1 officer in charge of navigational watch (<500GT) (Netherlands)
GilThibaudFranceMatelot de Pont (France)
AchinoNolwennFranceMatelot de Pont (France)
LatosevAleksandrEstoniaInternational Pleasure Craft Operator (Estonia)
GamzikovaAnnaRussian FederationIYT Bareboat skipper
ZainullinaTatianaRussian FederationSBF SEE (Germany)
StarikovskiyAlexeyRussian FederationRYA Coastal Skipper (Spain)
SimonovRomanUKRYA Coastal Skipper (UK)
Gatineau BochardLaraFranceMatelot de Pont (France)
GarnierClaraFranceMatelot de Pont (France)
GirardotElliotFranceMatelot de Pont (France)
OrlovAlexandrRussian FederationIYS Bareboat Skipper
GazzarinArthurFrancePermis cotier/fluvial
SanchezClaire FranceMatelot de Quart Passerelle (France)
ServelJulie FranceMatelot de Pont (France)

Other Notable Projects

Collaboration with Lycée Maritime et Aquacole de La Rochelle

Shtandart has proudly worked with Lycée Maritime et Aquacole in La Rochelle, providing students with real-world training opportunities aboard a historic vessel. This collaboration allows students to gain practical navigating experience, build seamanship skills, and work together with professional mariners, complementing their formal education.

Father and Son Project

One of our most special projects has been the Father and Son Voyages, where parents and children embark together on an unforgettable journey. These voyages not only teach seamanship but also strengthen family bonds through shared challenges and achievements at sea.

Sailing Beyond Borders

Sailing has always been about more than just the sea—it’s about the people. Shtandart fosters international friendship and solidarity among sailors, breaking down borders through shared experiences at sea.

During Maritime festivals and races, crew members from different ships come together, exchanging skills, stories, and cultures. These crew exchanges allow young sailors to step aboard other vessels, learn new ways of working, and form lasting connections. The deck of a ship is a place where teamwork transcends language and background, and lifelong friendships are forged through the challenges and joys of life at sea.

Shtandart is proud to be part of this tradition, inspiring young people to embrace adventure, unity, and a shared love of the ocean.
