La Rochelle – Brest 04.07-12.07

La Rochelle – Brest 04.07-12.07

Ablegehafen: La Rochelle
Boarding: 04.07.2024 at 12:00
Departure: 04.07.2024 at 14:45
Destination Port: Brest
Arrival: 11.07.2024 at 18:00
Disembarkation: 12.07.2024 at 09:00
Tage an Bord: 7
Contribution for the Sailing Organization: €966/€

Setting sail once again from the port of La Rochelle, our destination lies ahead in Brest. Covering approximately 300 nautical miles, our journey crosses the renowned Bay of Biscay—an area known for its unpredictable weather, the Atlantic Ocean’s largest swells, and a significant depth of 4,550 meters.

By joining the crew of the Shtandart, you’ll gain the skills to navigate even in such challenging areas. We’re eager to teach you the intricacies of handling sails, steering the helm, and managing the rigging.

This week-long journey will immerse you in the spirit of 18th-century seafaring. You will experience the daily routines and challenges faced by sailors of old, gaining a newfound appreciation for their resilience and skill. By the time we reach the destination port, you will not only have learned the ropes of sailing but also have created lasting memories of a truly unique adventure.

As we immerse ourselves in the daily life of 18th-century sailors, we’ll arrive in Brest, just in time for the start of the famous tall ships festival.

Unterbringung und sonstige Leistungen

Du hast Die Wahl: schlafe in einer Hängematte, wie die Seeleute vor 300 Jahren oder wähle eine Koje, falls noch verfügbar. Sowohl an Land als auch auf See gibt es täglich vier Mahlzeiten. Das Leben an Bord ist eingeteilt in Wachen, an denen Du während Deines Aufenthalts an Bord aktiv teilnehmen wirst.

Hier erfährst Du mehr über das Leben an Bord hier.

* Kosten für Teilnehmer unter 25 Jahre:
If you are under 25 years old, please use the coupon code 25yo-92 on the checkout tab before proceeding to pay for your reservation.
