August 18th: what’s happening now

August 18th: what’s happening now

August 18th: what’s happening now

1. Restrictions for port entry from Maritime administration is still in force. Sometimes it become even more ridiculous:

Original message of 16/08/2024 11:20


In accordance with this prefectoral document (attached) and after territorial authorities’s answer, you are not allowed to enter in a harbour in Finistère area.


De : Officier de permanence Etat-Major

BCRM de Brest – CC 46- 29240 BREST Cédex 9


De : V Martus

Envoyé : vendredi 16 août 2024 12:04

Objet : Re: technical stop

Dear Sirs,


Thanks for your e-mail of 16/08/2024, subject technical stop

That is well understood. We are now getting the anchor up and getting under way, heading north.

Still my request for technical stopover in some ports like Roscoff or around, stays.

We do need to fill water tanks,

and that is an official demand for shelter.

The human life will be at risk if no water supply received by TS Shtandart in next 72 hours.

I have to put our lawyer in CC of this message.

Very best regards,

Capt Vladimir Martus

TS Shtandart


Concern your request for a stop in Roscoff it will be the same situation.

You would be allowed anchor only.


Officier de permanence Etat-Major

BCRM de Brest – CC 46- 29240 BREST Cédex 9


Dear captain,

please note the new rules from Préfet maritime de l’Atlantique regarding your vessel :

1/ Anchoring is authorized – except for emergencies provided for in

international conventions – in territorial waters and inland waters (outside the administrative limits of ports, ports being the responsibility of departmental prefects) under the following conditions:

– That anchorage is requested with 24 hours’ notice to the nearest signal station.

– That the reasons for the anchoring request are specified.

– That any connection to land is announced to the nearest signal station.

– That any change of personnel on board is communicated to the nearest signal station.

– That two anchorages are separated by at least 3 days (the anchoring request must include the date of the last anchorage and its position).

2/ Anchoring prohibited in the area covered by the order of the maritime prefect relating to the strait and the roadstead of Brest, including in the fore strait (limit drawn by a segment connecting the Pointe du Toulinguet and the Pointe de Saint Mathieu (anchoring at Camaret prohibited).

Please acknowledge this message.

Best regards.


Duty officier

2. An appeal to High court of France had been filed. Thank you all who helped to collect funding for the legal services, it was vitally important. Next actions are to file an appeal in European court of Justice. And then, there will be time to take to court our little lonely opponent, who want to be seen as “a collective”. We think it is enough lies he has spread around, time to show to people who he really is.

3. The SHTANDART has made a technical stopover in La Rochelle, and now the ship is sailing, according to preliminary plan, towards Granville. We’ve had a restrictive decision from Prefet of La Manche, let’s see if we could convert from negative to positive.

4. There are 17 crew on board. Winds are very light, so the ship is progressing slowly. In two days we would be in need for re-supply, looking for a place for it (Granville or around)

5. The Petition has more then 6100 votes. Please keep posting the link, let’s get more good people to know about it. Link in the first comment.

6. We hope that the support to SHTANDART will continue. With no festival, and challenges to get trainees on board, the donations will help to rescue Shtandart until the Courts will make their decisions and justice prevail.
